First of all, I just want to say thanks to all of you for the support everyone has been showing me lately: friends, family, co-workers, church members, other fishermen, etc. It’s really been helping to boost me and helping to make me a little more serious about my fishing.
Also, there’s been some things on my mind recently. A recent discussion with someone else in my bass club has got me thinking about the many different reasons for why guys get involved with this sport and why we love it so much. He mentioned that a large portion of why he does it is because of the camaraderie and the friendships that develop as a result of it. Which is very true and also means a lot to me as well. I wouldn’t trade that for the world. However, that’s not what drives my fishing. What really drives and pushes me is the competition and my desire to perform well amidst the competition. That’s how I have “fun.” Everyone in this sport really likes to make a big deal out of what really matters is that you have “fun.” I agree with that 100%. I think, however, that the definition of “fun” in this sport can vary from person to person.
Let me explain why I bring this up. I know there are some guys involved in some of the smaller tournaments that I fish that feel like I, and others like me, take some of those smaller tournaments too seriously. I know they feel like we’re making too big of a deal out of trying to win a meager $100-$200. When all is said and done in a tournament like that, if you spend gas money on pre-fishing, you aren’t really walking away with much of a profit, if any at all. They feel like it’s just supposed to be “for fun.” And they are 100% correct. It is for fun. My definition of fun is just a little bit different. I LOVE putting a ton of work into a tournament! No matter if it’s $100 or $10,000 for first, I still do my homework and put in the time. That’s what I love to do. It is completely not about the money to me. Sure, it’s nice to take home a little bit every once in a while, but half the fun of fishing a tournament for me is simply preparing for it. I love pre-fishing and spending time on the water to explore and test out possible productive patterns. I love doing research on the internet, checking the weather, and pouring over my maps to determine possible good fishing locations. It’s all part of the experience for me. In fact, I love it so much, that I try to ensure that whatever my schedule is with work, school, etc, that I always still have time to do what’s involved with my fishing.
The bottom line is, yes, we’re all in it for fun and the love of the sport. Some of us just enjoy different aspects of it more than others do. I also want to recognize the fact that there are some who also enjoy the same aspects of it that I do, but for various reasons have other obligations that don’t allow them to participate in these extra activities. To those guys, all I have to say is, I feel for ya and I hope someday you can. 🙂
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