Long time no blog. So what’s up? Quite a bit. I’ll start off picking up where my last blog post left off at. I believe it was me talking about my boat coming back home soon. Well, it’s home, and it’s been home for a couple months now. Long story short, the motor got rebuilt and runs like a champ now. However, I’ve decided it’s time I moved on and got a new boat. I’m currently working on re-carpeting the rest of the boat and putting in new seats. Once that’s all done, I’ll be selling it. Anyone interested? I’ve been trying to take it out at least once a week to run it, but of course that’s my excuse to fish at least once a week!
So what’s the latest in the tournament scene? This year, I’ve decided to focus my efforts on two tournament trails: 1) The Faith Angler Network and 2) Media Bass. I’ve chosen these two trails for several reasons, but mostly because they’ve got what I’m looking for in tournament competition. They both feature lakes that are all within about an hour’s drive of my home here in Austin. Big plus. Also, they both feature Saturday tournaments. Another plus.
The FAN tournaments are team tournaments though; traditionally, I’m not big on team tournaments. I think team tournaments are for sissies who can’t live with their back-seater kicking their butt. However, I’ve learned a lot about team tournaments in the last few years, and what it takes to do well in them. Once of which is that you need a good partner. I’ve picked David Bueche to pair up with. He’s one of the guys in my club that I feel is at least as good as me, and in fact I often feel like he’s better than I! Our fishing styles are a little different much of the time, but I think that will prove beneficial when it comes to locating good fish. I’m excited to have him as my team partner this season.
The Media Bass tournaments are individual tournaments, and that makes me really excited. Central Texas is really lacking on the individual tournaments selection. Media Bass is the first one that I’ve seen in this area since I moved here 3 years ago. However, the only two lakes they’ll be visiting all season is LBJ and Belton. Those are two lakes I don’t get to fish as often. The funny thing is, I have more confidence on Belton despite never having finished really well in any tournaments there. LBJ I’ve actually had a few good tournament finishes there, but I don’t have as much confidence. I guess I feel better on Belton because it’s a really tough lake that a lot of guys struggle on, but I’ve had some really great days out there. LBJ typically sees higher weights and most people can go out on LBJ and catch fish, so that’s what gives me a little less confidence. You need to catch them big there to do well, but I’ve done it before and more than once.
My next tournament is a FAN tournament on Belton that will be this weekend in just three days. I haven’t done any pre-fishing yet, but David and I will go and do the official pre-fishing day on Friday. We’ll split up and each take our boats to cover twice as much water while pre-fishing. I’m excited to see how it turns out. I think I can get on some good fish that most guys will have a difficult time finding, and I hope David finds some good stuff too. I’ll blog about it afterwards.
In other news, this semester at school I finally have an awesome schedule that allows me to keep on top of my fishing stuff. Hizzah! I’ve been keeping up on my Facebook Fan Page quite a bit and I’m getting some good activity on it. Now if I can just get people to watch this blog! Anyways, look forward to another blog post next week to see how the FAN tournament went.
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