Well, I in the last two weeks, I’ve fished the ATX Big Bass Open tournament and our monthly ATX Bassmasters club tournament. The Big Bass tournament was ok, but it was a little disappointing. I was helping to plan & run that tournament in an effort to help make some money for both me and the other guys from the club that will be competing in the state championship tournament shortly. [Read more…]
Movin’ and Shakin’!
Well, I’ve been pretty focussed recently on taking care of business. This is the first time in a while that I’ve been making some serious ground in the right direction with my fishing career. I think I’ve finally got my head on straight and know exactly what I need to do to move forward. Everything was pretty generalized and vague in my head before. I’ve finally got a legit fishing resume put together to present to potential sponsors [Read more…]
Break It Down!
Well, in an effort to get more fans on my Facebook fan page, I made a deal that I would post a video clip of me breakdancing if I was able to reach at least 100 fans. Well, we easily surpassed that. I figured the breakdancing video would be a good motivator because I know there’s a lot of people out there that have a hard time believing that this white boy can dance. Here’s your proof! The clip can be viewed in the “Videos” section of the website. Thanks for all the support everyone!
Snowless Snow-day!!!
With temperatures dropping into the teens the last couple of days here in Austin, everything kind of got shut down today. Power outages were widespread across the city and everyone was stuck at home. Our power never did go out, but nevertheless, I didn’t want to go out in that cold crap! After putting around on the internet for some time this morning, I decided it was about time for a crankbait painting extravaganza! [Read more…]
Learning to be Mechanically Perfect
Well, I fished the ATX Bassmasters tournament on Lake Travis yesterday and ended up with mediocre results finishing right in the middle of the pack. Overall, I’m satisfied with how I fished, but a few events during the tournament have left me with some thoughts and lessons to chew on. I say that I’m satisfied with how I fished because I felt like I made mostly good decisions and I was on the fish needed to win. [Read more…]